As a big Obama fan, I had the pleasure of illustrating this book for Level Chinese about his legacy and some of his accomplishments. The paperback book, which resides in the "Heroes and Role Models" collection under non-fiction, is printed in Traditional and Simplified Chinese with a total of 8 pages illustrated and 13 pages of text.

At a young age, Obama’s mother told him that race and skin color are not important. The most important thing is what a person can do for the world or for our society. So, Obama studied hard and hoped that he could help others when he grew up.

Obama in the oval office.

Barack Obama campaigning for the Illinois State Senate in 1996, a race he easily won.

Obama receiving an overwhelming welcome from US soldiers at Camp Victory in Baghdad Iraq.

Obama paid attention to equality of rights. He increased the minimum wage, reduced the tax rate, and he proposed Obamacare. His action was recognized when he was re-elected for a second term as US president in 2012.

In January of 2017, Obama completed his presidency. During his farewell speech, he continued to encourage everyone to fight for freedom and equality for all.